Trigger Point Therapy in Austin
HOLY #@%&*, that’s the spot. Yep, that’s a trigger point. We find them, we sit on them (not literally), and then we extinguish them. Get rid of the fire in that spot, and it alleviates the whole muscle… Talk about magic…
Trigger points can cause various forms of discomfort and pain across the body, including orthopedic pain, migraines, functional disorders, general malaise, and more. Fortunately, at Austin’s Mantis Massage, we know how to properly soothe this muscle tissue and remove pain.
What Are Trigger Points?
Trigger points are specific regions in the muscle tissue that have tightened. They are often likened to “knots.” This not only causes soreness and pain in the area of the point itself, but can also refer pain to other areas of the body or cause internal issues.
How Do Trigger Points Form?
Carrying a purse, briefcase, or baby the same way over time can lead to the formation of trigger points. Poor posture, improper office or home furniture, and habitual movements are other good ways to collect a few trigger points. Stress rears its ugly head in this department as well: stress-induced tension in the jaw, shoulders, or back can allow trigger points to form in these areas.
Trigger points can happen all over the body, but some of the most common regions are on the traps, neck, and back. It’s also common to see them develop around areas of injury or repetitive use.
Trigger Points vs. Acupressure Points
We understand trigger points as areas of muscle that have become sore, tense, and knotted, which may sound similar to acupressure points.
To some extent, trigger points correspond to acupressure points. Many acupressure points are also considered trigger points and by releasing the tension in these areas, we can help to relieve pain and improve muscle function.
When it comes to massage, however, trigger point therapy uses a specific technique that can differ to acupressure. The therapists at Mantis Massage have undergone specialized training to thoroughly understand the what, why, and where of trigger points so that we can dig deep and resolve these issues from the root.
Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy
Because trigger points can affect muscles, fascia, and nerves, they are responsible for a wide-range of pain-related issues. Trigger point therapy is well-known for helping with pain and has even been documented in tricky conditions like fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s. Let’s focus on a few of the most common ones:
Neck and Back Pain: The neck and back provide vast territory for trigger points to develop – which is why there is usually some trigger point involvement with pain in these regions. Your massage therapist will determine where the problem points are to relieve the root of your pain.
Migraines & TMJ: Migraines can be an incredibly debilitating condition. Many who suffer from chronic migraines have tried endless remedies, lifestyle changes, and medications. For some types of migraines, there may be a muscular cause. Trigger points in the back, neck, or face may be the culprits in your migraine disorder.
Similarly, TMJ disorders can benefit from the release of tense muscles in not only the face but the entire upper body. Stress, posture, and sleep habits can cause the build-up of knots, now it’s time to let them go.
Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis: Interestingly, foot and heel pain often originates in tight tissue in the legs and calves. By releasing the trigger points in the muscle bodies of the legs, we can relieve the tension placed on the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia, allowing for pain relief and healing of the whole foot.
My Neck Hurts, Why Are You Releasing Points on My Back?
Trigger points create a bit of a puzzle that your massage therapist gets to solve. They can cause what we in the biz call a “referral pattern.” This means that a region of tension in one area of the body can create pain or discomfort in a completely different area.
Consider the image of a dam. An entangled mess of sticks and mud causes an obstruction in a normally smooth flowing river. There is a build up around the region of the dam, but also potential flooding further upstream, or an empty bank downstream. The same can occur in the body; a trigger point in the back can affect the whole pathway of a nerve or muscle that reaches the neck, arm, or leg.
After a little dedicated detective work, the massage therapist can determine where the root of the trouble really lies. We seek and destroy those trigger points to not only relieve your pain but fix the problem.
Does Trigger Point Therapy Hurt?
When it comes to trigger point therapy, a little discomfort goes a long way. To fully release the trigger point, we’ll need to apply deep pressure and releasing massage therapy techniques that can feel sore and deep.
Like always, we meet our clients where they are. Many people like to work there way into trigger point therapy gradually, others are ready to dive in. Your therapist will communicate with you to help find a level of pressure that is effective in releasing the point while keeping you comfortable.
It is completely normal to feel a bit sore or fatigued after your session. This can last a few hours or a day or two. As the damaged muscle begins to loosen and change structure, you may notice a change in your typical pain pattern. This, too, is a necessary and temporary response as your body adjusts and heals.
Schedule With The Best Trigger Point Therapists in Austin
If you have suffered from unrelenting pain, discomfort, or tension, it’s time to release. Trigger points can cause a slew of issues, but our search and destroy tactics at Mantis Massage will make you feel whole again. Book your visit at one of our Austin massage clinics: South Congress or Airport.