The Best Massages For Relieving Back Pain


We’ve all felt the painful ache from a long day of sitting, standing, or… well, just about anything seems to cause some kind of back pain. Whether it’s muscle spasms, chronic discomfort, or constant aching, back pain can ruin even the simplest activities, and it can be an even worse pain trying to find relief.

Ibuprofen might provide a temporary break from the pain, but it won’t do anything to fix the cause of it. Depending on the location and source of your pain, it takes an expert to not only stop the pain but to solve the problem. 

Benefits of Treating Back Pain with Professional Massage

Professionally trained massage therapists will not only help manage your back pain, but they also work to determine the reasons behind the pain. 

While they may not be able to cure you of back pain permanently, our massage therapists can advise you on methods to reduce or relieve pain. They will steer you towards healthier ways of going about your daily life and will let you know if or when you should seek out a medical doctor for serious causes that lead to back pain.

In the meantime, massage therapy offers a slew of benefits to help relieve and reduce your discomfort. Regardless of why your back hurts, massages have a slew of benefits, like increased blood flow and general relaxation, to help you feel like your best self again. 

Best Massage Types for Back Pain

Massage therapy comes in many forms focusing on different ailments and pain.

Swedish Massage

Does your back just… hurt? You don’t need to know why, the pain is indication enough that something is wrong. A traditional Swedish massage is a popular treatment method focusing on both physical and mental relief. It is an effective massage technique that combines pressure and the manipulation of muscles using essential oils to release back tension and reduce pain.  

Regardless of what caused your back to ache, a Swedish massage is a great way to start relieving discomfort across your entire body. 

Nueromuscular Massage

Trigger point myotherapy, or neuromuscular massage therapy, is one of the most effective treatments for lower back pain. 

This form of massage uses concentrated pressure on specific muscles that are causing spasms and pain. Muscles are relaxed and lactic acid is released, allowing blood and oxygen to flow through the affected area. Immediately after receiving myotherapy patients will experience soreness, but should see a significant reduction in pain and an increase in motion with a day.

Neuromuscular massages also help with postural support, which can help alleviate back pain if you sit or stand all day. 

Deep Tissue Massage

For both athletes and non-athletes, scar tissue and tightly knotted muscles are often at the root of back pain. 

Applying many of the same techniques and principles of Swedish massages, a deep tissue massage will go deeper into the muscle tissue that is responsible for recurring and chronic back pain. Deep tissue massage therapists often go all the way to the bone to provide relief. 

While this method can be uncomfortable in the moment and cause soreness in the following days, it’s one of the most effective methods to relieve debilitating pain in your neck and back muscles.

Prenatal Massage

Expecting mothers need a good massage more than just about anyone else. In addition to the extra mental stress, the physical strain of carrying a child takes a toll on the body, especially the lower back. 

A prenatal massage provides whole-body relaxation while also loosening the tense muscles that have been dealing with the extra strain of supporting an extra life. Recent research results suggest that prenatal massage therapy can be a beneficial element of a woman’s prenatal care. These studies show that women who get massages while pregnant can relieve muscle and joint pain, improve labor outcomes, and the health of the newborn.

Why Choose Mantis?

If you’re dealing with back pain, let us help. 

Mantis Massage is a full-service massage therapy treatment center specializing in deep tissue massage for pain management, maintenance, and recovery. Trained and experienced massage therapists can customize treatment to best manage your pain and discomfort, working as light or deep as needed. 

Contact Mantis Massage today for complete information and to schedule your next massage at our Airport or South Congress locations!